Thursday, November 20, 2008

The CJSD Winter Survival Guide

Above: artist's representation of the worst November day ever.

Snow, ice, hypothermia, frozen pipes, frostbite, falling through the ice, slipped vertebrae from shoveling, impaling from falling icicles...these are all the exciting signs that winter is here! Unlike those other wussy seasons, winter is the only one you have to prepare for. And, with a little forethought and planning, you can turn those cold temperatures and the hot bile in your gut into a positive experience for everyone! Here are a few tips to put the "wonderful" in "winter wonderland."

  • Colder temperatures means it’s time to change your clothing. But it does not give you a license to be unfashionable. Bulky, insulating coats are a big no-no. Stick with thinner, more slimming jackets. Don’t worry—your body will shiver to compensate for the heat loss.

  • Avoid hats, as these often look unflattering and do a real number on your hair. Whatever you do, do not wear earmuffs, no matter what the wind chill is. Do you want to be warm or do you want to look good? Remember, that burning frostbite on your ears means you’re in style!

  • Since you’re often locked indoors during the winter, plan a series of activities to help pass the time and keep your spirits up. Host your own Ingmar Bergman film festival. Dig out all your old Cure albums. Or take your favorite novel, like The Shining, and type your favorite line over and over again, all day long. The winter months will just fly by for you and your family.

  • Winter is always easier if you’re excited about Christmas. So get through the winter by making the 25th of January, February, and March Christmas too. Take your mind off the weather by shopping for presents non-stop for four months. Be sure to use the other eight months of the year to restore your crippled credit rating.

  • Create your own winter support network. Call all of your family friends and ask them if it is cold and snowing where they live. If they say no, say, “Well fuck you anyway, you warm-weather-loving bastard. I hope you get skin cancer by the pool.” Soon you’ll be in contact only with people sympathetic to your plight.

  • Children love snow and will often beg to go out and play in it. Gently remind them that it’s cold out and unsafe. If they whine, let them know that the reason it is snowing in the first place is because their disobedience makes Baby Jesus cry and that his tears freeze because God is giving them the cold shoulder.

  • Saving on heating is easy if you plan ahead. First, stock up on plenty of alcohol, preferably any type of brown liquor. Then turn your thermostat off and begin drinking. Stop when you feel warm or everything goes black. The amount you save in heating costs should pay for most of your liquor bills.

  • Commuting in the winter is difficult and hazardous. Reduce your commute time by luring your boss into a sexual or racial harassment suit, then offer to settle out of court for enough money to last until you start a new job in April.

  • Prevent your pipes from freezing by replacing your water supply with anti-freeze. This step is easier to follow if you replace your drinking water with liquor as indicated above, and shower in protective clothing.

  • Snow eventually melts, so shoveling is really unnecessary if you are patient.

  • Winter storms can cause power outages that leave you without any means of entertaining yourself. Invest in a portable generator so you can still access your “special” pictures on your computer or power your “personal massager.”

  • Wind chill can make cold temperatures into real killers. Try to reduce winter winds by offering a sacrifice to the wind god of your choice. Remember: the more evolved the sacrifice is, the more likely your prayers will be heard.

  • If you plan to travel with a group through an isolated, snowy mountain pass or in a charted flight, try to lose as much weight as possible before the journey. In fact, give your fellow travelers as many caloric sweets as possible. A little deprivation today could pay a life-saving, stomach-filling dividend tomorrow.

  • When confronted with a cold so bitter, it freezes your very soul, look around you. If you see the three-headed figure of Satan devouring Brutus, Cassius, and Judas Iscariot, you are actually in the Ninth Circle of Hell and the above strategies will not necessarily apply.

  • If all else fails, migrate south. The more Spanish you hear, the closer you are to warmth.


Jennifer said...

I saw the forecast for the UP this morning and on one hand, was a little jealous, and on the other, thought, poor Brando!!

Jennifer said...

Your commentary on clothing makes me think of the few times I was wearing a dress on an el platform during the dead of winter... wind knows no boundaries and naughty bits always freeze faster than non-naughty bits...

Churlita said...

My friend Rachie is a librarian at the same University where TLB works. She loves the cold, so she's all excited that there's snow on the ground. On the other hand, she's also driven down to IC the last two weekends in a row, so maybe she's lying to herself.

Vonnie said...

Seriously. THis is absolutely fantastic. Baby Jesus' frozen tears!!! I'm going to have to borrow that....

Anonymous said...

out of the park mister!

fish said...

You could also act out various uplifting scenes from Bergman's Winter Light in your living room or parlor. Always good for an easy laugh to pass the time...

Noelle said...

So many gems here... Last night I called a friend in LA just to see if some of the warmth would come through the phone. It turns out that was just the radiation from my cell phone.

Brando said...

She loves the cold

Well, my guess is she had the weather equivalent of multiple orgasms last night :-)

BTW, my word verification is "glation." As in Glacier Nation. Even Blogger mocks my pain.

Anonymous said...

also, if you ever want to move to a place where the low 60s are 'cold', get in touch and i'll try and set you up in india :-D

Anonymous said...

If all else fails, migrate south. The more Spanish you hear, the closer you are to warmth.

You poor, poor people...who's wagon wheel broke and caused humans to settle anywhere that gets that cold?

Well, come visit sunny Texas. We have the occasional cold snap in the winter, but in general, the only ice you're going to encounter will be coming out of the margarita machine.

Anonymous said...

If all else fails, migrate south. The more Spanish you hear, the closer you are to warmth.

Sadly this does not apply to where I live in Northern NJ :\

But I suppose if you start in Canada and end up in Spanish Harlem it would...