We are in the NWI for another year of The Noise and The Heat at my grandma's house. Yesterday, we broke the baby news to my extended family. The Lovely Becky has reached the first trimester and everything is going okay, so it seemed like a good time. I don't think sharing good baby news will ever stop feeling refreshing.
Yesterday I was wrapping up a present for my mother, a present that is baby-related. I wanted to sign it from the three of us, but wasn't sure what to call our child. After some discussion with TLB, we settled on "TBD." That seems very appropriate to us.
So from our house to yours, happy holidays and safe travels.
Brando, TLB, and TBD
I'm glad to see your tree leans to the left as well. If your tree isn't leaning, then your corner must be. :)
I'm so happy that all of you have such wonderful baby news. A magnificent gift for everyone.
I hope the cat doesn't knock it down.
Just sayin'...
Happy holidays and THANK YOU so much for your gifts for AG and UC. We are still bowled over.
happy holidays to you and your family brando
leaning tower of Tree-isa
Same to you and yours, Brando and TLB. I may have said it before, but I'll say it again. I'm so thrilled for you two, soon three. A baby couldn't happen to a more deserving couple. You're going to be amazing parents.
This time next year: TBD-which-will-then-be-D's first Christmas.
we've already been to the TwoBrothers and done the first gift exchange for the year, we're setti]ling in for tonight, when we'll battle over watching It's a Wonderful Life, Nightmare Before Christmas or Evil Dead (we're such traditionalists)
TBD is brilliant. I mean that in all possible ways.
Best in the new year.
Merry Christmas to the Three of you. I can't wait to meet the finished product.
Does that stand for "To Be Determined"? or "This Baby Defecates"? Merry Christmas, Brando, TLB, and TBD!
happy holidays to your family as well, monsieur Brando!
Happy holidays! hope all three of you had a great christmas
Congratulations again to the two of you, happy holidays, and just think, at this time next year you'll have another little mouth into which to pour eggnog.
The Happiest and Merriest to both of you & the wonderful growing 1/3!!! Wow and Woo Hoo!
(TBD. Heheheh!!!)
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