Tuesday, September 11, 2007

No top ten today

I'm going to put off the list until tomorrow. Just didn't feel very funny thinking about 9/11 today. I caught some of United 93 on cable last week, which I had never seen. The footage of the planes hitting is still chilling.

I had to go to work that morning, and I listened to ABC on the radio. I will never forget the sound of Peter Jennings's voice cracking as he said the first tower was falling.

As usual, The Lovely Becky says it better than I ever could.

Back tomorrow.


Adorable Girlfriend said...

Does the birthday girl have to suffer? A post of the top ten things AG deserves, but WON'T get for her birthday would have been perfect.

Churlita said...

My daughter pointed out that 911 happened on a Tuesday. We got a lot of bomb threat spam at work lately and of course they keep mentioning 911. It's all so stupid and sick.

Adorable Girlfriend said...

Interesting because on my 17th birthday (also a Tuesday), there was a bomb threat at school that day. It was before 2001.

9/11 has always been a larger than life force.

Maybe because the world is jealous of me!