Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Top Ten Tuesdays: How are we improving our relations with Russia?

10) Playing The Scorpions "Winds of Change" during negotiations.

9) Having Obama and Putin star in Lethal Weapons, a buddy-pic about two world leaders who couldn't be more different trying to reduce nuclear arms. (Featuring Joe Pesci as Leo, the wacky translator!)

8) Offering Putin a George W. Bush whoopie cushion that says "nookular" when sat on.

7) Getting drunk on Stoli and crank calling China.

6) Asking for Russian expertise in constructing a better gulag for our detainees.

5) Agreeing to let former Soviet republics join NATO, but granting the Russian army visitation rights on odd weekends.

4) Securing Russian promise to subject dissident journalists only to food poisoning.

3) Accepting Russian apology for Yakov Smirnoff while offering official American apology for Red Dawn.

2) Getting on all fours behind Iran while Russia pushes.

1) Offering them Alaska for free if they agree to take Sarah Palin with them.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...




Churlita said...

1.) would only hurt our relations with Russia.

And if we did #9, would Obama have to say, "I'm too old for this shit..." every five minutes?

Vonnie said...

Take me...where the magic of the (something)....on the glory nights (or something).....the winds of change blow straight....into the hands of time.....f-it. I never knew the right words in the first place, but now this song has earwormed me!!!

fish said...

You have reached a new level when Yakov Smirnoff and Sarah Palin are in the same list. A true champion

Kathleen said...

Having Obama and Putin star in Lethal Weapons, a buddy-pic about two world leaders who couldn't be more different trying to reduce nuclear arms. (Featuring Joe Pesci as Leo, the wacky translator!)

and Putin is two days from retirement?

Kathleen said...

What about America's apology for Red Heat?