Friday, June 11, 2010


It's been quite a week here at CJSD International. The initial offer for our house blossomed from crappy to acceptable, we passed inspection, and the buyers want to take possession quickly. That means our rustic adventures in the frozen fingers of Michigan will be coming to and end almost exactly three years after they began.

With all the packing and preparation, not to mention trying to keep up with work, the blog will have to go into sleep mode for a few weeks. Or sleepier mode, as the case may be. When it awakes, it will be surrounded by skyscrapers and Blackhawks fans and Chipotle outlets.

We started boxing things up last night, starting with our books. I couldn't help but think of just how much stuff we'd need to box up, which of course, made me think of this:

Happy Friday


fish said...

This is what I think of.

Kathleen said...

nice one fish

Congrats to teh CJSD family!! good luck with the move and see you on the other side!

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I will wave as you drive by.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Speaking of which, if you need a place to rest for a couple of hours, get some food, etc, before the final push to 312-land, we are happy to host....

Substance McGravitas said...

What about the Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips 400 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series?!?!?

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Well good luck!

P.S. I, for one, am happy to learn that you're not turning into a hacktastic Washington Post editorial page editor.

Noelle said...

Sometimes, I try to have less stuff. But every single thing seems to have some value. But you know what? Just in case I have to move, I think I'll get rid of this pencil on my desk. I'm not using it, and I never will.


So much better now.

Enjoy your move! Read you when you get back!

blue girl said...

Good luck, guys!

Vonnie said...

Chicago is waiting for you!
They even threw you a parade last week!
With ticker tape and all!
Since you couldn't make it, they let the Blackhawks borrow it.
Best of luck on a calm happy move!

Jennifer said...

Happy Packing!

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

a calm happy move!

these words make no sense in this combination.

I recommend accepting the chaos. At least you will be less stressed.

Another Kiwi said...

The Racing-for-Wildlife Series? Gotcha.
Good luck with the move Brando,

Churlita said...

Awesome video. Good luck on the move...Although, I'd be happier if you were moving back to Iowa City.

Pinko Punko said...

So now 3B are official on the furthest edge of culture and society, at least while Chuckles is out of his house.

Brando said...

I'm hoping to get back in the blogging/blog reading grooves this week. It's been a rough couple of weeks but things are finally settling down.